Habitat Legacy Builders
Gifts by Beneficiary Designation
When you make a gift to Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region from your retirement plan, insurance plan or other assets, you make it possible for people to obtain safe, affordable places to call home. Best of all, these gifts are easy to make! Simply contact the firm that holds your assets and complete a beneficiary form.
Assets suitable for donation through Beneficiary Designations include: Retirement funds, life insurance policies, savings bonds, CDs, bank accounts and brokerage accounts, or donor-advised fund residuals. To assure these gifts are made after you pass, simply contact the company that holds your assets and complete a beneficiary form.
Gifts by Bequests
Making a legacy gift in your will or trust is one of the easiest and most popular ways to extend your local support of Habitat Grand Traverse region. Bequests can take three different forms
Residual Bequest - A percentage of the remainder of your estate after other specific legacies have been fulfilled.
Sample Language for a Residual Bequest:
“After taking care of all expenses, debts and other provisions, I give, devise and bequeath _____ percent of the rest and residue [or $______ if a specific amount] to Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region, a Michigan-based charitable organization [Tax ID# 38-2753833] currently with administrative offices at 2487 Rice Street, Traverse City, MI 49684.”
Specific Bequest - A specific dollar amount, stated fraction of your estate or specified gift-in-kind such as collections, art, books, jewelry, etc.
Sample Language for a Specific Bequest:
“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region, a Michigan-based charitable organization [Tax ID# 38-2753833] currently with administrative offices at 2487 Rice Street, Traverse City, MI 49684 [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Contingent Bequest - A gift that is originally intended for other beneficiaries but, in the event of their prior passing, is redirected as a charitable donation.
Sample Language for a Contingent Bequest:
“If any of the beneficiaries named in this will should die before becoming entitled to receive their distributive share of my estate, I direct my trustee to pay or transfer the share to which such beneficiary would otherwise be entitled to Habitat for Humanity Grand Traverse Region, a Michigan-based charitable organization [Tax ID# 38-2753833] currently with administrative offices at 2487 Rice Street, Traverse City, MI 49684 for its unrestricted use and purpose.”